Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Starforce Copy Protection - Worse than a Sony Rootkit?

under Windows XP, if packets are lost during the reading or writing of a disk, XP interprets this as an error and steps the IDE speed down. Eventually it will revert to 16bit compatibility mode rendering a CD/DVD writer virtually unusable.

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Google denies plans to distribute OS based on Ubuntu

Take back all those diggs from the previous story alleging that google is working on its own version of ubuntu. This is a direct statement from them denying any such thing.

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Putting Star Wars to the Mythbusters Test

The cast of the show MythBusters chat about their pasts with ILM, talk about some Star Wars myths (Can you avoid freezing to death in a blizzard overnight by gutting a dead animal like a tauntaun and getting into its carcass?) and why R2-D2 is the perfect sidekick.

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Web 2.0 Innovation Map

This Google Maps mashup visualizes the explosion of web applications by plotting over 200 sites gathered from various sources, using WHOIS information or contact information from the sites.

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Google Stock Crashes in After-Hours Trading

"Web search and Internet stock phenomenon Google Inc. on Tuesday posted a profit that missed Wall Street targets due largely to a higher than expected tax rate, sending its shares down as much as 19 percent in after hours trade." IT'S DOWN $70!

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Stargate enters MMO universe

With Stargate SG-1 on the verge of becoming the longest-running American sci-fi TV show ever, it seems about time that someone took a crack at turning it into a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for PCs.

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How to Fix a Dead Pixel on an LCD Monitor

Sometimes, if there is a dead pixel, it's usually stuck, as the liquid crystal display (TFT LCD) has not covered the whole screen. This can be easily fixed.

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Optimus Keyboard - End of 2006

On the Optimus mini three answers page, it says that the Optimus keyboard will be released at the end of 2006, not February 1st. The mini three keyboard will be available in May 2006, but the full-size keyboard is still being developed.

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Tutorial: Hack Extra Bandwidth From Your ISP

Warning: for educational purposes only. Site provides free software and tutorials to jump your cable modem speed up by 3 - 4 megs. Works great for me, enjoy.

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Best Buy hired a group of computer GENIUSES!!!

Check out the larger picture of this Apple PowerBook G4. See anything wrong with this picture? What kind of operating system do Macs use these days????

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Monday, January 30, 2006

How To Build A 1-Terabyte Desktop PC

Neowin.net - Where unprofessional journalism looks better - How To Build A 1-Terabyte Desktop PC

Interesting article over at InformationWeek on how to build yourself a terabyte PC. Be the envy (if you can afford it) of your mates with this setup, its bound to last, oh -at least 6 months before its surpassed! Snip: Serial ATA (SATA) disk technology has made a major jump recently in the form of "SATA-II" specification drives that run twice as fast as their predecessors—a hypothetical maximum transfer rate of 3 gigabits per second (Gbps). With disk capacities climbing steadily, system builders can now achieve the vaunted heights of terabyte storage (more or less) with just two drives. In this TechBuilder Recipe, I'll take you through the steps of building a compact, self-contained system with a near-terabyte of speedy storage.

Sounds neat, but I don't think most people could even afford this super-fast config!

Truth Be Told: Politics and the Gaming Industry

This article looks at the current view that game reviews are swayed by the advertising money that pays them, but offers hope from the free press, bloggers, and start up sites. So where do you go for honest game reviews?

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Linux on Nintendo DS now supports wifi (alpha)

PepsiMan writes on his blog that there is now alpha wifi support for DSLinux, the Linux port to the Nintendo DS.

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Build your own semi-auto paintball gun from simple Home-Depot parts

"Basically it is a fancy barrel sealing tee valve. The exhaust valve used is a homemade version..."

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Intel Mac's have upgradeable CPU's

A Japanese magazine has reported that a 17" Intel iMac had it's processor upgraded from the 1.83 Ghz to 2.0 Ghz without issue. The processors apparenty are not soldered on!! Sounds like good news!!

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Mac mini with integrated iTrip

No, you haven't missed a joint announcement from Apple and Griffin. However, you might have missed this post on Make which links to ZapWizard's Flickr set detailing how he put a Mac mini, with accompanying LCD screen and mouse/keyboard, into his car.

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Wikipedia blocks United States Congress IP addresses

Wikipedia has recently blocked a range of IP addresses belonging to the United States Congress due to staffers who have been engaging in revert wars regarding content associated with frequent politicians. This RFC was started to centralize the discussion on the violation of Wikipedia policy and alleged libelous behavior.

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So you're ready to build a wireless LAN in your home?

Nice little article on wireless LANs, equipment and protocols for someone with limited knowledge on the subject.

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Oops, that laptop had credit card info for 230K people on it. Our bad

"A security breach occurred in late December, Ameriprise [American Express] said, after a company laptop was stolen from an employee's parked car. The laptop contained a list of reassigned customer accounts that was being stored unencrypted, a violation of Ameriprise's rules."

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OSx86 10.4.4 Leaks

OS X for Intel 10.4.4 has leaked. In other news, somewhere in Europe a man with the name Maxxuss was seen dashing through the snow covered streets towards his computer shouting something like "Viva la x86! I must get to my hackintosh!"

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Burning visible images onto CD-Rs with data (beta)

Nice little tutorial on howto covert pictures to data files, burn that image onto CDRs. via make

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Possible Nintendo Rev Boot up screen

This could be what happens when you turn on your Revolution in the coming year.

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The Far Side of the Moon

On October 7, 1959, humanity for the first time saw what the other side of the moon looks like. These photographs are the first of what any human being ever saw of the far side of the moon.

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Best 404 Page Ever

Well, it seems that this 404 page is very creative. I stumbled across it while looking at another story on digg. Error + Game = Random Fun! =P

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The Ultimate iSight installation, monitor your back yard set-up

I thought I've seen it all, but someone set up an iSight so they could monitor their back yard. Take a look at this installation.

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Sell your music online with iTunes and Rhapsody WITHOUT record labels!

TuneCore is a just-launched music delivery and distribution service that gets music you created up for sale on iTunes and Rhapsody without asking for your rights or taking any money from the sale or use of your music. Watch out record labels.

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Best language for teaching Computer Science?

After Joel Spolsky's famous rant about how Java isn't hard enough to teach computer science, here's a fresh idea about the best teaching language.

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Gotta love these computer generated images!

I wish someday games will become of this quality!

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Sell your music online with iTunes and Rhapsody WITHOUT record labels!

TuneCore is a just-launched music delivery and distribution service that gets music you created up for sale on iTunes and Rhapsody without asking for your rights or taking any money from the sale or use of your music. Watch out record labels.

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Double Phone Dipping: Free 411 and Free Skype calling.

Don't pay for your Skype calls and don't pay for your 411 on your cell or home phone!

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Google Map of World of Warcraft

The map utilizes the Google Maps API and therefore behaves just a like a Google Map.

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New Secret ATi PC Video Card as Powerful as Xbox 360

The Xbox 360, it seems, has already met its match...on the PC front, at least.

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Transparent OLED's!

Looks like we are getting closer to the "Minority Report" future.

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Mac OS X 10.4.5 Emerges

Apple has released the first build of Mac OS X 10.4.5 for PowerPC Macs to developers. They claim it "delivers more than a dozen documented improvements for Mac OS X 10.4" including CoreGraphics, WebCore, Quartz, etc. The combo update weighs in at 120.2MB for developers only so far.

Oh, and Apple will be at PMA too. Probably to pitch Aperture

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Apple's new patent reveals a unique "Gaming Tablet" application

Appleâs new accelerometer patent reveals a tablet PC,â itâs all about a wild new video game application for Appleâs accelerometer technology. It provides specific gaming examples of user as a driver and pilot and even provides a glimpse of how the accelerometer will be used in First Person Shooter games. Check it out!

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World without Pain is Hell

This kid is unable to feel any pain, so when he's hurting himself he has no idea he's doing so.

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NASA embraces bittorrent - download a 2.9GB (single) picture today!

NASA has been experimenting with BT for a while, but it's only recently that it's started using it for its massive picture library, "Visible Earth". Previously you needed to be an accredited journalist to get these files - now, thanks to BitTorrent, you can download them for yourself. Finally, a desktop background for your 86400 x 43200 monitor!

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HOW TO - Make a robot from an old computer mouse

This project is pretty cheap, if you have a mouse to use the other parts can be obtained for less than ten dollars.

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Watch The Best Game Endings Ever

Game Revolution is undertaking the noble task of trying to put some of the greatest �old school� game endings of all time together and have a library of game ending history for download at its website. (via kotaku)

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Eboot Loader for psp version 2.01, 2.5

New eboot loader from Fanjita. Now play your homebrew psp games with ease through the GTA exploit

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Nintendo DS Lite Size Comparison

Less than two-thirds the size of the original Nintendo DS and more than 20 percent lighter, the new DS Lite is a perfect match in style to the Nintendo Revolution.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Old Spacesuit Hacked!

Using a simple police scanner or ham radio, you can listen to a disembodied spacesuit circling Earth.

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Cingular Patents the Emoticon

Cingular Wireless - a cellphone firm - has apparently secured a patent on the MSN style emoticon graphics when used in a mobile phone. Could be expensive for the IM platforms as they make their services available on cellphones - or as the article writes, a good opportunity to ban them forver !

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Every single DS variant listed with pictures. Impressive. (ars technica)

"I knew there were a lot of versions of the Nintendo DS, but man oh man the variants out there are crazy. Between all the colors, the different regions, and the limited editions it may be the most painted and prettied up console ever to hit our sweaty little palms."

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XBox 360 Major update for Dashboard and games �out soon�

An inside source at Microsoft informed us that Microsoft is currently finishing off one huge update for the Xbox 360 that is going to put an end to all the common problems in both games and the system itself. It will contain fixes for all currently known lockups in games.

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6031x4456 Image of a Galaxy!

It is so huge, that there is even a warning on the page before!

File Download Warning

You are attempting to access an image with an extremely high resolution. Please read this before you continue.

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Pixar takes over Disney Animation and Imagineering

We all knew Disney was buying Pixar, but... did you know Pixar will effectively take over the entire Disney animation unit - and that Pixar's John Lasseter will also take the reins of Disney Imagineering, overseeing theme parks? (Disney's purchase of Pixar is smelling a whole lot like Apple's purchase of NeXT!)

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Man trapped in a mental time warp.

Trapped in a mental time warp where TV is always a new invention and Truman is forever president.

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Google statistics on the HTML content of 1 billion pages

In December 2005 we did an analysis of a sample of slightly over a billion documents, extracting information about popular class names, elements, attributes, and related metadata. The results we found are available below. We hope this is of use!

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Hacking Human Eyes

A study was done where people put on glasses which inverted the image. They saw everything upside-down, but after wearing them constantly for a few days, their brains were retrained to flip the image right-side-up again. When they took the glasses off, the image was upside-down again!

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0 to 60 in 5 Seconds - on a BICYCLE!

For rocket designer Tim Pickens, a rocket on two wheels is the next best thing to a spaceship.

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Google Video site updated

Google Video has updated their site with an easier to understand front page layout and few new buttons, but overall it still sucks.

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Best Buy to cancel MIRs, creates Online Rebate Submissions

"Our customers told us they hate mail-in rebate programs. As a result, we're working to find new solutions to give our customers a better shopping experience, while remaining competitive on pricing."

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Lost is found. The best theory to date.

Most Lost theories, and there are many, are total crap, but this is by far the best and most thought out one I've seen so far.

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Xbox 360 Shortage will Continue!!!

Xbox 360 Shortage will Continue!!!

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MPAA admits to unauthorized movie copying

What happens when an organization that is best known for inveighing against the unauthorized copying of movies gets caught doing exactly that?

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Western Digital 320GB $119 no rebates

newegg.com has them on sale again, $119+ s&h, I ordered mine, get yours quick.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Advice to Google - Don't Record Our IP Addresses!

This article is in favour of Google's resistance to supply the government with personal search data, but it's also realistic: we can't trust the government, and they'll probably win. So his call to Google is: stop recording our IP addresses!

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Google Agrees to Censor Results in China

Online search engine leader Google Inc. has agreed to censor its results in China, adhering to the country's free-speech restrictions in return for better access in the Internet's fastest growing market. What was that motton again Google? "Do no evil..." or something like that?

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Congress to impose secret restrictions on analog (ironically named VEIL)

Yup, you heard me right. We're going back to the age of secret laws that the public can't know about. (last seen in the Roman Empire, c. 500 BC)

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77% of Google users don't know it records personal data

More than three quarters of web surfers don't realize that Google records and stores information that may identify them, according to a new opinion poll.

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Disney Officially Buys Pixar!

It's official folks.

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U.S. Army To Test Super Gun

Gun can shoot 240,000 bullets per minute and can actually shoot down enemy mortar fire.

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Sweden to be free from Oil in 2020

Sweden plans to move exclusively to renewable energy by 2020.

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Apple invents 1984�s telescreens, 22 years too late- Oh, the irony!

A new apple patent application covers building the camera into the screen- so that your screen can not only output images (e.g., as a display) but also input images (e.g., as a camera).

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Over 350 *useful* XP Tips, registry fixes and guides

"This site contains registry fixes, scripts, Troubleshooting Guides and freeware utilities to resolve problems in Windows XP".

Not just the same ol' n00b stuff. I found this list to actually be useful enough to bookmark. In case it gets diggslammed, it's mirrored at http://www.winhelponline.com/xp.html

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Linux Distribution Screencasts

LinClips.com is a Linux resource which illustrates desktop Linux distributions through screencasting. Each distribution video clip is approximately two minutes in length.

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1-Click DVD to iPod (or anything) Application

Handbrake is an open-source application which rips and encodes any DVD's (even encrypted) to any format you want. Stable versions available for Mac OS X, an alpha is out for Windows, and Linux compiles can be made.

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Digg user has 5120X1024 resolution display- Analysis of Digg effect

15,000 hits from Digg in 24hrs and all he makes is $9 from adsense. Good analysis of who visits from Digg (screen res, browser, OS)- some surprising results and he reckons Steve Jobs and Bill Gates visited his site- all this by looking at his logs and Google Analytics

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Monday, January 23, 2006

ExtremeTech looks at hardware specs for Vista

A nice look at what you should buy if you have to get a system now and can't wait for Vista. Decent advice as well as depth to some of the features we've been promised

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XBMC VS Xbox 360

A comparison of the Xbox Media Center against the Xbox 360's Media Center functionality. XBMC is way better.

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Startup key combinations for Intel-based Macs

These are the startup key combinations you can use on Intel-based Macs.

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Building a GameCube Linux Kernel

This guide explains briefly the necessary steps to produce a Linux kernel suitable for the GameCube, using a Linux PC.

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Review of Major Bittorrent Clients

PC Magazine has the review. uTorrent and Azureus tie it each taking away 4.5/5 stars.

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PS3 Silence Rasies Doubt

Sony's future as a hardware company and legacy as a media company are both riding on PlayStation 3 � its long-awaited next-generation game console. But the less Sony says about the device, the louder skeptical voices grow.

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Google Video - Huge 1958 Nuclear Underwater Explosion Footage!

This amazing video shows a 1958 explosion from underwater nuclear test. The cloud engulfs a US Navy drone target ship / Eneweta. You have to see this to believe.

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Go Wardriving With Your Nintendo DS!

WiFi sniffer turns your Nintendo DS into a wardriving tool!

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PC-BSD 1.0RC2 Released

The latest cut of PC-BSD, version 1.0RC2 is now available! This update adds KDE 3.5 support, as well as some additional features/bugfixes.

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Install MythTV on your Xbox!

Just get an Xbox 360, and have an old Xbox lying around collecting dust? Why not install linux and have it front-end for your MythTV box. You can hide your Myth box and use that old xbox to stream videos directly from it! Step-by-step guide with awesome directions and screenshots of every process.

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Mandriva HP launch new Linux pre-loaded computers in Latin America

Mandriva announced a new partnership with HP to distribute HP computers pre-loaded with Mandriva Linux 2006 to 37 countries in Latin America. Mandriva has been named the 'Preferred Linux Partner for Latin America' and Mandriva Linux 2006 has been optimized and certified for HP machines.

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The Sony PocketStation

Info & Pics on Sony's 1998 product called the Pocket Station, which was released in Japan. (never made it to the U.S.) This was Sony's first attempt to make a "PSP-like" device during the Tomogatchi craze.

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Collide galaxies in your browser!

Now you can explore the physics of galaxy collisions in this interactive astronomy lab. It's amazing to see a simple applet reproduce what we see in space.

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Large college lecture hall chalkboards hacked

Streaming flash video. Motorized chalkboards synchronized to music.

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New critical flaw in the 5G iPod -- destroys earbuds!

When my right earbud started making an annoying crackling sound I thought it was just the earbuds fault. But recently on iLounge it appears that a bunch of other iPod users have also had the problem, and with third party headphones as well! So, if you're using an expensive pair of earbuds with your 5G -- watch out!

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FireFox - The Hungry-Hungry Hippo?

Firefox! Please! I love you so much, please relenquish your iron grip on my resources, as you are rendering my computer useless.

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Witness the long, complicated birth of a CPU...

Ever wonder how they can actually pack billions of transistors into a CPU? Watch this video... it's fascinating and involves crazy things like 'epitaxial deposition' and 'bunny suits'!

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Windows 1.01 booting

I wanted to show some people how Windows1.01 worked and acted, granted all I do is boot it up and click a few things, It gives a rough idea on the OS. Direct Google Video Link=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9038765814694706401&q=Windows+1.01
- more to come on the way :-)

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China to build world's first "artificial sun"

A full superconducting experimental Tokamak fusion device, which aims to generate infinite, clean nuclear-fusion-based energy, will be built in March or April in Hefei, capital city of east China's Anhui Province.

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"Star Wars: Empire at War" demo hacked two days after release

Link includes an Empire campaign and mod making tools (allowing you to unlock tons of content included in the demo but not
used). Turns out the entire game is described mostly by xml files, making it extremly easy to change the demo campaign,
units, planets, and almost everything else in the game.

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

KDE flaws put Linux, Unix systems at risk

A serious vulnerability has been found in the popular KDE open-source software bundle. The flaw, deemed "critical" by the research outfit the French Security Incident Response Team, could allow a remote attacker to gain control over vulnerable systems.

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Court Orders Part of Wikipedia Off-Line

The German-language version of the Web-based encyclopedia Wikipedia remained off-line Friday, following a court order barring the German chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation as part of a lawsuit filed by the family of a dead hacker.

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Digg on PSP

I created this cool site that allows you to view digg stories on the psp check it out!

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Police Computers Clash With Dunkin' Donuts System

Police using the drive-through have to disconnect their computer modems to avoid clashing with the restaurants' system.

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Delete Button Added in Gmail!

Now, You can delete your e-mails with one click! There's also an update with Gmail Mobile.

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Feds take porn fight to Google

Feds take porn fight to Google | CNET News.com
update Federal prosecutors preparing to defend a controversial Internet pornography law in court have asked Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and America Online to hand over millions of search records--a request that Google is adamantly denying. In court documents filed Wednesday, the Bush administration asked a federal judge in San Jose, Calif., to force Google to comply with a subpoena for the information, which would reveal the search terms of a broad swath of the search engine's visitors.

This is probibly one of the hottest topics in the news today, its even on the television...It seems to connect with the Bush Administrations defending of the Child Online Protection Act.

Iceland the First Country to Try Abandoning Gasoline

Iceland wants to make a full conversion and plans to modify its cars, buses and trucks to run on renewable energy � with no dependence on oil.

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US to open WiMAX spectrum!

Looking to stay ahead of its rival nations in broadband, the United States is making an aggressive bid to open up the spectrum for emerging WiMAX technology, according to an official from the Bush administration.

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Patriot Search to replace Google

This new search engine was released today - amazing timing given that the news broke today about Google not willing to release their search records to the US government. Worth a visit as it promises to "make sure the government is informed should you search for something obscure, illegal, or unpatriotic."

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Nintendo jabs at Microsoft... promises Revolution will outsell 360

"We will sell more units than Xbox 360 did here in the United States in our launch window. I mean, in December, we sold more GameCubes in the United States than Microsoft sold 360s, and Revolution will do better than that," Reggie said. Sounds like fighting words to me!

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The Computer Virus Hits its 20th Anniversary

The first PC virus appeared 20 years ago to this day. Brain, a boot sector virus, it spread via floppy disks.

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Does our Sun have a hidden companion star?

Debris disks discovered around two nearby stars look strikingly like the Kuiper Belt in the outer part of our solar system, astronomers said today. Each disk has a sharp outer edge that might be caused by an unseen companion star. Our own Kuiper Belt is thought to have similarly abrupt outer bound.

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New Oblivion screens leaked!

A pile of unofficial Oblivion screenshots briefly appeared on at least one Internet forum, and some guy was lucky enough to snag the link before moderators removed it.

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North Korea Missile Warhead Found in Alaska

The warhead of a long-range missile test-fired by North Korea was found in the U.S. state of Alaska in 2003. This makes ANY threat from North Korea much more real.

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New open-source license targets DRM!!! WAY TO GO GPL!!!

This is cool, the GPL is going to guns with DRM stating "GPL software cannot use 'digital restrictions' on copyright material unless users can control them."

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Disney in talks to buy Pixar

Steve Jobs would be largest individual shareholder in Disney.

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Stardust samples exceed expectations

Fresh from its fall to Earth last weekend, the Stardust sample return capsule has been opened in a cleanroom at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

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First Lab Tests: iMac with Intel Core Duo processor

Macworld Lab�s tests do show that the new Intel-based iMac is faster than the iMac G5 when running native applications. However, we found that those improvements are generally much less than what Apple claims is a 2x improvement in speed.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

VIDEO: Do iPods cause hearing loss? If so, is Apple liable?

"The news has been plagued with stories regarding "dangers" in the decibel levels of mp3 players and portable devices. Can the volume be loud enough to cause hearing damage? What liabilities and/or legalities do manufacturers have to tell people of potential dangers?" Great independent investigation work by former TechTV producer Tom Rowles.

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Comprehensive Nintendo Revolution FAQ

Revolution Report compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about Nintendo's upcoming console. A great comprehensive list of everything known about the console, updated frequently and containing tons of links to related news stories and articles.

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Gamer Commits Suicide on Forums

Here is the link to the yahoo article on it and the actual post he made saying he is ending his life.

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Here is the orignal post of the person who commited suicide:

I’ve spent just shy of 5 years on this board, and I feel I need to let you guys know this. This isn’t a fake like Wing: I’m ending my life. A combination of money, school, and (consequently) housing problems has created a burden I can’t bare. I know this makes me a coward, but that’s okay. With any luck, I won’t be around for you to call me that.

I want you guys to know I had a lot of fun. It’s sad so many left, but they few of you still around – you guys were just as good friends as those I had in real like in some ways. Thanks for it all.

This can be found here. In my opinion, this person taking his own life was a fwasteful act and could of been solved by doing other things that are more appropriate than this.

Sony Will Buy Your Dell!

Sony has initiated a promotion where anyone who trades in a Dell will receive $500 to use toward a Sony VAIO computer or notebook. Sounds like a great deal? The only catch is that the computer has to be working. I think a bunch of Digg users are going through there closets and finding an old Dell to trade in. Dude, your getting a VAIO!

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HOWTO Do algebra in your head

These pages contain the text of the book Inner Algebra. Its premise is that mathematicians use their mind in certain ways that result in math being easy for them, and most people can learn to do the same.

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The Piratebay.org Is Back Up

It might be slow but after hours of downtime its back and working fine.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Run Windows (x86) on Intel Macs at nearly Native Speed !

By running the universal binary version of "OpenOSX� WinTel 2.0" on a Intel Mac OS X 10.4.4, you can run Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows XP at a really fast speed.
People who had run Virtual PC for Mac in the past will love this if they are using one of the new Intel Macs.

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Share My WiFi

Sharemywifi.com connects people with WiFi to people without it!

If you've got WiFi and are willing to share it - or you can can 'see' someone else's WiFi and would like to use it - Share My WiFi is for you.

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Microsoft Delays XP SP3

Bink has an interesting article up on his site concerning Windows XP SP3. Microsoft has apparently pushed back the scheduled release date of SP3 to the second half of 2007.

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The Society of Gaming

Cool article that discusses the different levels of being a gamer and places them into 6 categories. So which are you?

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How To: 20GB External Storage for PSP

While I love my Playstation Portable as a both a game machine and portable media device, one of the biggest limiations is the fact you're limited to the storage on the memory stick. Even with a 1GB stick, after you drop on a movie or two, you're really limited in what you can store on it compared to an iPod.

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The Chinese Invented Golf- in 945 A.D.

They did it again! The chinese claimed they invented golf and exported the game to the Scots, undermining Scotland's claims as the birthplace of golf.

Yea, the chinese again. And the great wall of China was meant to be a driving range.

An interesting follow up of the China discovered America episode.

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Firefox 2.0 alpha due next month (Confirmed)

An alpha version of Firefox 2.0 should be released as a public beta next month. Although part of the long standing roadmap for the open source browser, the timetable was confirmed by the publication of the minutes of the Mozilla.org staff meeting held earlier this month.

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New iMac Reviewed

Ars Tecnica has posted a review of the new intel iMac.

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Hack Allows Xbox 360 Owners to Stream DivX Video in Real-Time

Very cool. Casey at Brains-N-Brawn has figured out a way to stream DivX video to the Xbox 360 using Windows Media Endcoder (via HD Beat). This is great news for all us lazy people who would otherwise need a program like Videora Xbox360 Converter to manually transcode each video into Xbox compatible WMV

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G5 vs. Intel iMac boot up time revisited

Everyone saw that video and everyone knows it's a con. But what are the real boot up times ? You'll be very surprised to see my test results. or maybe not surprised at all.

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PlayStation 3, ONLY a conceptual design?

Is it true? Is the Sony PlayStation 3 that we've all now come to know and love (or not) merely a "conceptual design?" Because if it is they must be further behind than we originally anticipated.

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Discrimination in World of Warcraft

"Apparently, discrimination is becoming a problem in World of Warcraft. Some players are refusing to accept other players into their group unless they can chat in perfect, unbroken English. This phenomenon is being blamed on a widespread backlash against the practice of gold farming, which is unfairly associated with non-English speakers"

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Monday, January 16, 2006

Mac still overpriced with Intel Processors?

Roger Johansson of 456BereaStreet.com has a good take on this; and I agree.

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Linux for the Musician, Musix

It is a Free Operating system intended for musicians and users in general. It also contains an enormous collection of free programs. The system will boot from your CD/DVD drive, with no need to install anything on your hard disk.

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USB air darts being used!

Really cool usb darts had been on digg a while ago but this is a video of them in use really cool

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Here is the video embedded here:


How to Detect a Two-Way Mirror

Paranoid about perverts watching you behind those mirrors in bathrooms, hotel rooms, and changing rooms? Find out how to detect and avoid them.

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Great KDE 4 screenshots --> A bunch of them

I came across a few of the screenshots of the new KDE 4 desktop interface. I am collecting them and putting them on my site. ENJOY GUYS!

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Free High speed Internet

This simple guide shows you a couple tools helpful to logging into wireless networks whether they have encryption on our not.

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21 Neverwinter Nights 2 screens

Atari has released some new screens of Neverwinter Nights 2.

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Awesome Free Space Simulator

You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy. All movement in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. Definitely worth checking out.

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Video: OS X 10.4.3 dual-booted on a Thinkpad

"By now a lot of us have seen videos of Apple OS X running on PCs, but we got ahold of this latest video of 10.4.3 running on a Thinkpad -- and it's running damned fast if you ask us. "

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F-22A Raptor Is Officially Operational

The F-22A Raptor, the world�s only 5th generation fighter aircraft is now Officially Operational and ready to be deployed anywhere in the world to execute air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.

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Build your own TiVo box

Ever had the urge to build your own TiVo box? Here is how to do it. Instructions on how to build a better DVR out of an old PC.

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No DS redesign, says Nintendo

There are no plans to unveil a redesigned version of the Nintendo DS this week - despite rumours to the contrary.

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DANGER! Flying Objects! - The Power of an MRI Machine :)

Once you've been in the MRI field for any length of time, you start hearing all of the various horror stories about things that have flown into a scanner. Often, newcomers don't take the real danger of flying objects seriously until they witness an oxygen tank or gurney flying into a magnet themselves.

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Great List of Windows Xp/2000 Commands & Tools

I stumbled across this great list of command line tools that come with XP. I have heard of some, but I learned a lot of new ones.

I hope this helps someone out.

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All of your favorite DOS games for download!

Remember Hugo: House of Horrors? What about Laser Lock? Here you can download them!

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How Much RAM Do You Really Need?

This is a great article on improving your computer's performance and figuring out what your system needs as far memory goes.

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42 Quality Google Videos

Need to kill some time? 42 popular videos from "The Best of Google Video" Project.

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Jobs suggests Dell should eat his words

It may not be the last laugh, but on Friday afternoon, after the close of the stock market, Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple Computer, shared an e-mail chuckle with his employees at the expense of Dell, a big rival.

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MacBook Pro: 4 hours of battery life?

A hands on look at the battery life of the MacBook Pro. I hope there is a big difference between these so called "Pre-production models" and the real thing.

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(Video) Using Liquid Nitrogen to OC to 5.25Ghz

A bunch of guys hooked up a liquid nitrogen cooling system to their motherboard so they could get their processor up to over 5ghz without it overheating.

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A Live CD that makes a anonymous browsing easy enough for everyone. They even believe when it's finish china's oppressed surfers can fight back with it. Linux for Grandma anyone?

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Steve Jobs On Intel Switch, iPod Killers, and his Blog

Steve Jobs foiled the rumormongers once more at last week�s Macworld Expo. Most observers expected that Apple would announce the first Macintosh computers that partake of powerful and efficient Intel Core Duo microprocessors, the same used by top-notch Windows machines...

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Wikipedia Plagiarism Ends Journalist's Career

Tim Ryan, a 21 year veteran entertainment columnist for the Honolulu Star Bulletin, was fired yesterday after an investigation revealed multiple instances of his incorporating unattributed paragraphs from other sources.

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Play Half-Life on iPod Nano

You'll need to install iPod Linux. You'll also need iDoom installed, and the Half Life .wad file.

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Myth Busters The "lost" Experiments

Sometimes the guys and their faithful associates make mistakes, freak out or just plain torture each other.

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PBS: The Video Game Revolution

From Fad to Phenomenon: This is the story of how a whimsical invention of the 1960s helped spawn the computer industry as we know it. Video games have influenced the way children live and play, forever altered the entertainment industry, and even affected the way wars are fought. See how it all began and find out what it means for the future.

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Download Google Videos as .avi format

If you want to fast download Google Videos as .avi format (nor Google Video .gvl default), take a look at this web based parser.


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Web users judge sites in the blink of an eye

Like the look of a particular website? Whatever the answer , the chances are you made your mind up within the first twentieth of a second. A study by researchers in Canada has shown that the snap decisions Internet users make about the quality of a web page have a lasting impact on their opinions.

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Windows Entertainment Pack 2 for download

Its abandonware, so in all technicality, its perfectly legal (unless MSlegal comes and tells me otherwise). Unlike the Best of Windows Entertainment Pack bundle, this one has some games which improve the brain, like Chess and GoFigure. It also has the usual WEP games such as Chip's Challenge, Jezzball, etc.

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Stardust space probe lands successfully in Utah desert

The Stardust space probe has landed sucessfully in the Utah desert after a seven year journey. The probe contains samples it collected from the coma of comet Wild 2. This marks the first time that scientists have had actual samples of a comet.

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Tired of Living on Earth? Build your own island!

Pretty cool..this man built his own island out of 250,000 pop bottles, off the coast of Mexico. He lives on it, grows his own produce, uses rainwater for showers...the whole nine yards.

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

15 Tech Concepts You'll Need To Know In 2006

"Scientific and technological breakthroughs can take years to develop, but when they leave the lab and enter the world at large, word spreads quickly. Here's a look at the advances you'll be hearing about in the coming year." Including technologies such as IPTV and Ajax.

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iMacIntel disassembled!

One can notice that the processor is not soldered to the motherboard, but via a socket. So, it will be potentially possible to change it in the future, if Apple does not prevent such modifications by some hardware or software trick.

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X-Ray Photo of a PowerBook

This is an X-ray of a PowerBook..You can see the innards of the all the components; even the hardreive spindles.

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New Nintendo Patent Reveals Virtual Console Details

New patent application discovered by Revolution Report offers more details on the Virtual Console including possible handheld emulation, Revolution-PC connectivity, as well as the possible emulation of game machines from "other manufacturers".

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Intel Macs May Boot Windows XP After

Intel says motherboards based on the Intel 945 chipset (like Apple's new systems) already support EFI and can boot Windows with no problems. The key appears to be whether Apple has included a "compatibility support module".

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TWiT #38 Leaked 5 days before release

This Week in Tech podcast #38, "MacWorld Special", recorded on January 10th, due for release on January 15th. Recorded at the Zeum, featuring Leo Laporte, John C. Dvorak, Patrick Norton, Amber MacArthur, Roger Chang, Christopher Breen, and Robert Heron. Topic: Announcements at the MacWorld keynote.

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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

January 13, 2006 - I recall mentioning recently that no one has ever done Battlefield nearly as well as Digital Illusions. Class-based multiplayer shooters are pretty common, but adding vehicles and large outdoor environments is apparently a whole lot of work. Unreal Tournament has that stuff, but it's not class-based, and the maps are generally smaller -- killing boxes compared to the enormous chunks of land available to us in BF2. As it turns out, though, doing this kind of game in id Software's Quake universe makes sense when you look at the big picture.

IGN: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Preview

A preview of the new Enemy Territory game, the details that they mention are interesting and I'm looking forward to when this comes out.

Battlefield 2 Booster Packs Announced

January 12, 2006 - The award-winning Battlefield 2 is about to get a boost… Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Digital Illusions today announced that 2 new Booster Packs will be released for the award-winning Battlefield 2 PC game. The two packs, which will each retail for $9.99 in North America, €9.99 in Europe and £5.99 in the UK, will be available exclusively online at www.downloader.ea.com. Powered by the Battlefield 2 game engine, Battlefield 2: Euro Force releasing Feb 8th, will introduce the all-new European Army to three brand new maps. Battlefield 2: Armored Fury releasing March 28th, will focus on large mechanized battles in the American heartland.

In Battlefield 2: Euro Force, the European Army joins the Battlefield fray for the first time on PC. Complete with seven new weapons and four new vehicles, the European Army will be sent into battle against MEC and Chinese forces on three brand new maps. "Operation Smoke Screen" takes place amidst the burning wreckage of an oil field on fire. "The Great Wall of China" will see Chinese Forces attempting to repel a European attack in the shadow of the ancient landmark. "Taraba Quarry" takes place in a large canyon which holds a vital tactical advantage.

Battlefield 2: Armored Fury will add three new maps, all set in the rural heartland of America where the US forces defend their homeland from Chinese and MEC forces. This Booster Pack will also introduce two new vehicle classes: Attack Jets with the ability to use rocket pods and cluster bombs, and agile Scout Choppers which will reveal nearby enemies. "Midnight Sun" takes place on the Alaskan border, where Chinese forces make landfall. "Operation Harvest" will take the player to the vast open plains of Pennsylvania where only the expert use of air and armor will assure victory. "Operation Road Rage" sees all-out tank warfare on the freeways of America.

Battlefield 2: Euro Force and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury are developed by Digital Illusions Canada, the creators of Battlefield Vietnam and Battlefield 2: Special Forces. Battlefield 2: Euro Force and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury require Battlefield 2 in order to play. For more information about Battlefield 2: Euro Force and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury, please visit http://battlefield.ea.com

IGN: Battlefield 2 Booster Packs

I have heard most of this though other Battlefield 2 sites, but the description of Armored Fury sounds interesting, When these come out, I will hopefully get the chance to try these out and comment about them.

A look inside the Headquarters of Pixar.

A place where people work in custom designed cottages, and where Steve Jobs proposed a building with one bathroom, to drive foot traffic to a central area all day long.

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LEGO Life Size Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite - 10,000 Bricks!

Nathan Sawaya is a professional LEGO artist and former LEGO Master Model Builder and he spent 3 months constructing a 10,000 piece, life size (6-foot-tall) replica of Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite almost entirely out of dark gray LEGOs.

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WMF bug is NO Windows backdoor

Security researcher suggests recent WMF bug was a backdoor intentionally planted by Microsoft, but noted experts disagree. Conspiracy theory?!

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Howard Stern is Aware of Pirates

Howard Stern is aware of his show on Sirius and is convinced those who pirate his show are geniuses. Howard asks for the his news show to do a story on the life of a radio pirate. (3rd paragraph down on the left)

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Photos of an Atomic Blast taken at 1/1000,000,000 of-a-second

These Photos are of an Atomic Blast prior to any Mushroom Cloud forming. We rarely see these kinds of images. Harold Edgerton is famous for taking photos using High Speed Cameras to capture what the Human Eye alone, cannot see.

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Steve Gibson Responds to Microsoft Blogger

Steve basically confirms that 9x based systems are safe, but still wonders why the functionality of SetAbortProc() changed from 9x to NT kernels.

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Friday, January 13, 2006


Homebrew VoIP application for DS! The first build's up for download.

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In Depth Look at Growing Up as a Gamer and Games Today

Interesting editorial on New Technology vs. Old Gamer Classics looks at how the games of the past have been shaped and what they have meant to us as older gamers. Truly a nostalgic look at the industry up till this point. Bravo.

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More to Come from Apple... Soon?

MacRumors.com had a nice link to a blog where some one says he has a source in the Apple company that says the Macworld Expo Keynote was changed a few minutes before it started and the really cool things couldn't get shiped because of Intel.

This is really interesting...I wonder what Apple has in store? mabe a mac mini with a media center built in? or something more unique...

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'Doomsday' Seed Bank to be Built on an Arctic Island

Norway is planning to build a "doomsday vault" inside a mountain on an Arctic island to hold a seed bank of all known varieties of the world's crops.

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Classic Doom for Doom 3

This is the first episode of Doom (for dos) redone for Doom 3. It has all the old health veils, guns, armor, and levels. All the secret doors, and surprises, but with the awesome 3D graphics of the modern Doom 3 engine.

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iPod Update Causing Major Headache for Some Video Owners

The Apple iPod update that was released yesterday is causing big problems on many Video iPods. Symptoms include video playing for 20 - 30 seconds, freezing, and then continuing with no sound. Only current fix is to downgrade to previous firmware version. Link goes to a forum where issue is being discussed.

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Ten Tips for Easy Motherboard Upgrades

Extremetech's helpful list of motherboard upgrade tips.

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802.11n set to be approved next week

The industry is honing in on a compromise proposal for the contentious IEEE 802.11n next generation WLAN standard, and a deal could be struck next week at the task group�s meeting in Hawaii.

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A phone inside your mouse... or mouse around your phone

Here a cool Sony gadget. A phone that looks like a mouse. Or the other way. Whatever. Anyway, it works like a normal USB mouse, except that if a call comes in over Skype, you can flip it open and it suddenly becomes a USB phone. You use the mouse scrollwheel to adjust volume. And when you done talking, flip it shut and it a mouse again.The Sony mouse-phoneimage from digital-lifestyles.info

The Sony mouse-phone

Share Skype: A phone inside your mouse... or mouse around your phone

Looks to be a neat thing for a person who is a heavy skype user...but the mouse looks a litte too flat to be used as a normal mouse, though.

Editing your blog on an Apple Mac

Nice review of a software for blog editing.

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Learn Python in 10 minutes

This is a cool short tutorial on Python. It takes less than 10 minutes and it's very concise and to the point. (Warning: programming experience required).

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How Motherboards Are Made: A Gigabyte Factory Tour

Without a doubt, motherboards are the most complex and essential part of the modern PC. Take a look at how one is made and all the steps it goes through.

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Sony Thwarted Again - PSP 2.60 Hacked - First Homebrew Emerges!

A hacker has taken the next step and accomplished the unthinkable, hacking the 2.60 Firmware PSP! It is now possible to play homebrew games on your PSP no matter what firmware it has. Sony, give up on trying to stop us!

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Listen to almost any song for FREE

I built a little application that searches through thousands of directories full of music that people have uploaded for use on their blogs... Basically this lets you listen to pretty much any song you can think of. (courtesy of radio.blog users)
For the source code, email me at thedtenaciously@gmail.com

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Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs

Scientists in Taiwan say they have bred three pigs that glow in the dark. The pigs are transgenic, created by adding genetic material from jellyfish into a normal pig embryo.

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Best Ipod Dock Ever - Griffin TuneCenter

S-Video out, remote control, wireless hotspot, Internet radio, podcasting, and of course video ---- for only 99.99

... I'm not a sales rep but holy shit!

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Nintendo Revolution GPU Details Emerge in New Interview with ATI

Revolution Report has spoke exclusively in an interview with ATI about the Nintendo Revolution's GPU, code-named Hollywood. New details emerge about the GPU's development, how heat will be a factor and release window. A must read.

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No More Mr. Nice Penguin

"Linus Torvalds is getting tough with developers who can't hit deadlines. Before now, if developers were contributing to the Linux kernel, were late getting the code in, it wasn't a big deal. Chances were it would be squeezed in anyway. That was then. This is now."

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First (possible) look at the Revolution GUI.

An official survey conducted for Nintendo of America by marketing company Zanthus may shed new light on Revolution's "Virtual Console" concept.
Along with a list of possible Downloadable Nintendo games for each system. NES games $2.99? N64 games, $19.99?

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

CONFIRM: Hiding the iTunes Mini Store Will NOT Send Info to Apple.

As describe in this hint @ macosxhints.com. if you simply disable the mini store (Edit: Hide Ministore, or just Shift-Command-M), then no data is transmitted. There you have it, you can go back to listening to iTunes paranoia free.

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Thunderbird 1.5 Released

Mozilla has released the first major update to Thunderbird. Version 1.5 includes an automated update system, in-line spell checking, an a bunch of other additions and improvements. Enjoy.

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Space propulsion breakthrough: new spacecraft ion engine tested

The European Space Agency and the Australian National University have successfully tested a new design of spacecraft ion engine that dramatically improves performance over present thrusters and marks a major step forward in space propulsion capability

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Lost in Transition - What didn't make it to the MacBook

Why is your old 15.1" better than Apple's new Intel-based MacBook? Unsanity lays it out concisely and without ambiguity.

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Apple Gives Developers New iMacs; Implements EFI

The OSx86 Project is reporting that Apple is giving all Developer Transition Kit owners a new Intel iMac... for free... in exchange for their old DTK. Also, the new Intel Macs are using EFI instead of the old BIOS. This is some of the first big news since yesterday.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

iTunes 6.0.2 Out Now!

Discover new music with MiniStore. Create ipod-compatible versions of your home movies.

iTunes 6.0.2 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes 6.0.1.

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FM Radio Enabled iPod Announced

Apple has announced an add-on remote to enable FM radio reception on the iPod. The iPod can also dispaly Song and station information by utilizing RDS.

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Hands on with the macbook pro...

Engadget's got the first hands on review of the MacBook with the Intel DC chip.

The new MacBook looks nice!

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Doom 3 Voodoo 2 screenshots

Screenshots of Doom 3 running on a Voodoo 2.

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Google Talk's New Features

The Google Booth at CES was demoing a unreleased CES only demo version of Googles IM client Google Talk. The new version has buddy icons, the link has the pictures. Also talking to the GoogleTalk developers they say that interfacing with AIM is also in the near future!!

WinBeta.Org - Betas News and Reviews

Looks good! I was wondering if they would ever add more features to Google Talk. The call quality was good, but it has so few features that there is no insentive to use it over Skype.

New WD Hard Drive Aimed At Modders

Western Digital on Thursday announced the Raptor X hard drive, a new product line geared for the modding community.

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Live Coverage Macworld Expo Keynote Address

Live Coverage of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' Macworld Expo Keynote Address
It doesn't seem to work right at the moment.....

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O'Reilly writer Steve Mallett has stolen digg's code

I spent some time researching Steve Mallett's latest creations: iTunesLove.com, 180n.com, and linuxfilter.com. It seems he has copy-and-pasted digg's CSS and HTML directly into his own digg clone sites. Then decided to SPAM O'Reilly sites on digg. Don't worry, I have proof.

From what I see..this has been confirmed true, that he has stolen the CSS and images of the theme that Digg uses for his site. This is the lowest darkest example I've seen of the stealing of code.

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Most Anticipated Games of 2006

The fellas over at IGN PC have thrown together their list of what they can't wait for in the coming year. After looking at the list, I'm thinking, "who needs a next-gen console?"

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Web Browsing on the Apple II

The video shows an Ethernet-equipped Apple //e loading and running Contiki, the network configuration process, and the web browser surfing to www.apple2.org.

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Make a Pepsi Can Stove

(Might have been dugg awhile back but still pretty neat.) Running on plain alcohol, they can weigh only tens of grams and heat almost as good as their professional counterparts.

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Man erases hard drive,judge said man had a "duty to preserve the computer'

Guilty till proven innocent, Our country is lost...........

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Nintendo's Interactive Floor (Video)

Awsome video of Nintendo's interactive floor technology!

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1GB JumpDrive $30; SoundBlaster Live $10

RadioShack is having a deal which will start on 1/9. Some of the items include a 1GB JumpDrive for $30 and also a Creative SoundBlaster Live for $10.

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Best Buy Puts a Premium on Non Rootkit CDs

A trip to Best Buy Friday showed the Sony rootkit discs are still there, side-by-side with their clean counterparts. Strangely, there is a price difference, though...

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Fatal1ty loses challenge at CES

Fatal1ty loses, the unfortunately (for him) named "Try to Beat Fatal1ty" Event at CES in a match that was described as "beautiful intensity".

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Friday, January 06, 2006

Dell shows off speedy game PC

Speaking to a crowd at the Consumer Electronics Show here, the Dell Computer founder showed off a new gaming PC that includes several high-end components, including a "factory overclocked" 4.26GHz Intel Pentium Extreme Edition....

Dell shows off speedy game PC | CNET News.com

From the description of the computer in the article, This should be a VERY fast pc for gaming. In my opinion, what would make it faster would be using AMD processors instead of Intel. Unfourtuately this will never happen, because of Dell having aggreements with Intel most likely to get good bulk pricing.

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Sega Genesis Lives! New Genesis Game To Be Released Spring 2006

Sure a new game hasn't been released for the Sega Genesis in America since 1998, but that hasn't stopped San Diego developer Super Fighting Team from releasing Beggar Prince -- a brand new RPG for Sega's beloved system.

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Library to start lending video games

This is going to start in Chicago, but the question remains...is this a good idea? And why couldn't they do this when I was a kid?

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Commodore Returns....as a Handheld??

The classic home computer and gaming brand Commodore is back, in the guise of a handheld device sporting downloadable arcade games. Next-Gen.biz has more details.

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How they crashed "Serenity"

Illusion Arts co-owner Bill Taylor talks to vfxblog about how he shot the miniature crash sequence for Serenity, and about his studio's digital matte paintings for the film. Great pictures and very informative for Firefly and special effects fans.

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PS3 controller to get a makeover

The boomerang jokes will end soon, so get them all in now.

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Universal Announces Serenity on HD-DVD

Universal Pictures announced at the HD DVD press conference in Las Vegas Wednesday that it will have 10 titles available for the high-definition format's launch this spring - including Joss Whedon's Serenity.

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Exclusive: Apple Plasma Displays to Rock MWSF

O'Grady sounds off about a special Apple announcement to be made on Tuesday's Macworld Expo keynote address in San Francisco. In a humorously analogized editorial piece, he is first to reveal the details about how Apple is about to rock the consumer electronics world again with an entirely new product ... HDTV Plasmas.

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Google Updater first screenshots

Google Pack contains Adobe Reader, Ad-Aware SE Personal, Google Pack screensaver, Google Toolbar for ie and more. Watch frist screenshots!

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Google Labs Appitude Test with answers

Do you have what it takes to be a google employee by completing the test? If not, you can always check out the answers :).

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Microsoft to Offer HD-DVD Drive for the Xbox 360

Microsoft said at CES that it plans to offer an add-on drive for its Xbox 360 gaming console that employs the HD-DVD optical drive format.The drive, expected later this year, will allow Xbox 360 owners to watch high-definition movies on HDTVs by playing them through the console, said Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division. No price or launch date was given for the product.The Xbox 360, which Microsoft launched in late 2005, supports high-definition gaming. Later this year Sony is expected to launch its own high-definition gaming console, the PlayStation 3. The Sony console will be based around Blu-ray optical drive technology, which is a competitor to HD-DVD in the race to become the de facto replacement for high-definition DVD content.HD-DVD SupportersMicrosoft declared its support for HD-DVD last year before the Xbox 360 was launched. At the timeBill Gates, Microsoft's chairman and chief software architect, said HD-DVD wouldn't make it into the launch player but might play a part in the future of the console.Earlier at CES, Toshiba unveiled its first two commercial HD-DVD players. Both will go on sale in the U.S. in March, and they will be priced at $500 and $800, Toshiba said.

WinBeta.Org - Betas News and Reviews

Interesting that Microosft is just developing an add on drive. I wonder if they will make a version that has the drive built in...

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

I-Pod Heist at Comp USA in Connecticut - (Watch the VIDEO)

Just saw the report on TV, Comp USA in Manchester CT (I was there just last week) - Watch the video, these guys walked right up behind the counter and they took 25 IPODS then walked right out - with NO employees watching the store!

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Live Coverage CES 2006 - Bill Gates Keynote

Many many surprises.

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The Problematic Internet Explorer

We've heard it time and time again. But as a visual learner, I found this article and exercise to be an incredible example of the vast differences between Internet Explorer and Firefox. It is plain to see the outcome if you just view the example page in Firefox, then Internet Explorer.

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Creative in pure denial about Podcasting

From ZENcast.com: "Podcasts, short for Personal On Demand broadCast, are audio files you can download into any MP3 player or computer. These audio files are broadcasted over the Internet automatically to subscribers of specific podcast channels."

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FINALLY! The coolest mouse...that is actually useful!

Finally, an external cordless mouse for laptops...that fits into your PCMCIA slot for charging...and it is bluetooth!

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7 year old finishes second in the largest Halo FFA of all-time!

At MLG Chicago, Lil Poison proved what the hardcore MLG community already knew -- that there is no gimmick behind his play. He's not �good for a 7-year-old.� He's great, period.

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Microsoft to release WMF patch at 2PM PST today

We've recieved word from our Enterprise Microsoft rep that they will be releasing the WMF patch this afternoon.

There's news here, and I'll include the details from the email we recieved from Microsoft in the comments following

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Nintendo DS to get first Online RPG - Due out next month in Japan

No blog/forum post. Direct link to the article.

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RFID Zapper

It copies the microwave-oven-method, but in a much smaller scale. It generates a strong EM field with a coil, which should be placed as near to the target RFID tag as possible. The RFID tag then will receive a strong shock of energy comparable with an EMP and some part of it will blow, most likely the capacitor, thus deactivating the chip forever.

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