Friday, July 07, 2006

Dude struck by lightning blames it on iPod.

Next thing he knew, he was in his bed, bleeding from his ears and vomiting. He was barefoot and had taken off his burned T-shirt and gym shorts. He doesn't know how he got back in the house. I've taken Physics, and from what I know from that, it wasn't the iPod. Lighting is attracted, in a nutshell, to the tallest object near the imbalance of charges (I.E. churches, trees, people, lighting rods, etc), and when the tallest location has a small surface area, like a lighting rod, the imbalance in charges dissipates, resulting in a reduction of lighting strikes. In the end, this person, this can be blamed for an unusual imbalance, and the fact that the humidity and other factors in the weather (correct me if I'm wrong) can cause this imbalance and allow lighting to travel better through the air. One more thing, lighting actually strikes backwards, coming from the ground to the cloud. This happens because of the imbalance of charges, with the ground having more charge than the cloud, so the transfer of electrons occurs at the shortest distance. That's enough Physics for one day :).

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