Friday, May 12, 2006

Internet Explorer usage keeps going down worldwide today reported that Microsoft's browsers have a total global usage share of 85.17 percent. The total usage share of Microsoft Internet Explorer decreased 0.65 percent since January 2006. The total global usage share of Mozilla is 11.79 which is 0.56 percent more than at the of of January.

Here is one of the charts that was on the page:

The most popular browsers on the web are:

May 2006 January 2006 Difference
1. Microsoft IE 85.17% 85.82% -0.65%
2. Mozilla Firefox 11.79% 11.23% +0.56%
3. Apple Safari 2.02% 1.88% +0.14%
4. Opera 0.79% 0.77% +0.02 %
5. Netscape 0.15% 0.16% -0.01%

so it seems that Mozillia is gaining ground, abet slowly, as well as IE is slowly shrinking..

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Jraptor said...

That's because IE is slower at loading pages. I have time to get up a do a little dance, meanwhile Netscape (or Firefox) have already downloaded several pages. I just tried the Beta IE 7, and its even slower than the old IE. We just posted an article about this.