Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What I've been playing- Half Life: Epidode One

After comming back on a week long trip, the first thing I load up, and try is HL2: EP1, which I got on my trip. I've allready finished playing it, and overall it is worth the $16 Dollars that it cost. It is not as frightening as say, Doom 3, but there are some parts that are very dependent on the flashlight. Because it has a limited power supply, once it goes out, it is sort of hard to find you way in several spots. There are also a few puzzles in the episode, though I'm not going to get into details about it. It probibly, on normal took me about 4 or 5 hours, so it isn't long. Overall it is a good start for the series of HL2 episodes.

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