Friday, August 04, 2006

World's Worst Internet Law Sneaking Through the Senate

President Bush is attempting to get Republicans to end their objections and put into effect the Convention on Cybercrime. It would require the FBI to aid oppressive foreign regimes in enforcing their internet laws, including ones where free expression of political opposition is a crime. In effect, it would end freedom of speech on the internet.

The description of this law is ridiculous. If this is passed by congress, then we would have to enforce cybercrime laws of other countries. Unfortunately this, at least at first glance should be deemed unconstitutional for the one reason that, many oppressive countries cybercrime laws, like China, stop free speech and freedom of expression. This law, in reality is basically destroying the basic rights and freedoms that we have. Though in another spin about this law, if the wording was changed to incorporate that certain cybercrime laws could not be followed if they violated the bill of rights, and other laws of the united state, or were oppressive against certain rights that the US has, then maybe....It would be a more plausible law. In its current form, it wouldn't help the situation, it would make it worse. People really need to contact there Senators as well as representatives and tell them not to vote this law, at all costs, or at least pidgeonhole it to stop its advance. What is lucky is that at least the political parties have objections to this law. This Convention, that Bush is trying to support, is just going to but one more nail in the coffin of his presidency, from the fact that it the people of the US don't support it, as well as Republicans having Objections of passing it. In a sense, there is a large majority of people and representatives, that do not support this law, for a variety of reason. This fact may also help stop this bill as well.

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