Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Like iTunes store, but free, and works on Linux!

This is extremely cool. You can now one-click load music into a free locker, and stream that music to yourself wherever you get an Internet signal. Watch out, Steve Jobs, you are no longer the coolest! I do not work for this company, unlike many pro-Microsoft posters here!

Now this is neat, but how much will it store, and how much for additional storage?

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Cody Brocious said...

Your locker can store as much as you wish. The only two limitations are:
1) No lossless files (e.g. Wave, FLAC, or ALAC)
2) No files greater than 20MB in size.

Aside from this, you can store as much as you want with both the free or premium accounts, but you cannot load files from your own computer with a free account.