Thursday, March 16, 2006

YouOS - the web (based) operating system

YouOS is a snazzy new javascript-based operating system that is unlike many of the web "desktops" you currently see. Instead of just cobbling together some draggable windows, this seems to be a serious effort to create a javascript OS that contains both back end and front end functionality. The tutorials and IDE are particulary interesting!

Unfourtuatly the site is down, making it hard to see what exactly this "Shell" (not a OS) does. It isn't an OS because it doesnt boot, its more like a shell like gnome or kde.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing to consider: we wrote the entire thing on top of APIs - the APIs are the real OS, the kernel, if you will.

The web desktop is just one "view" or "shell" as you call it on these APIs. It's still early, but there will be many, many more such views.