Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This Day in Apple History March 6, 1984: Gates Predicts Mac Dominance

“If Macintosh isn’t a success then the market is let to the PC. But we’re super enthusiastic. If Apple can meet its production goals, we expect half of Microsoft’s retail sales to be Macintosh related in 1984.” Bill Gates’s super quote was published this month in Popular Science in 1984.

Interesting that Bill Gates saying this in 1984, then in the 90's, with microsoft, doing the opposite: Windows becomming the main os. Again, this is just interesting, because Bill gates supposivly quoted that we would only need 720 kilobits of ram, and that was wrong also (but the quote is a rumor anyway). Anyway, this is, yet again, interesting because of one thing: Gates admitting that the Apple had the potential then, but in reality the opposite happened.

read more | digg story

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